Monday, February 4, 2013

Expanding My World (well, the Blog part of it anyway)

I've been blogging for a year and a half now. It's been sporadic, but I still manage to publish a story now and then.

When I started "My Mother's Family" I didn't really know how I was going to use this venue and decided to restrict it to posts about my mother's side of the family hence the name. But I found myself posting about my father's side sometimes and I want to post about my husband's family, too. So...since I have changed the purpose of the blog I have given it an entirely new look and a new name. It is now "All My Family Trees".

I hope I didn't mess up any links or followers. Thank you to all that read my blog. I hope that I will continue to entertain and maybe even educate you a little.

Something from the Hessig/Hessick family tree to
get things rolling.

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Your blog's expanded focus is like the addition on the house, making room for another generation. Welcome to your new home!

  2. Thanks, Wendy! And thank you for helping me move.
