Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Julianna Marie (Rasmusdatter, Christenson) Bye

Julianna Marie (Rasmusdatter, Christensen) Bye with daughter Oscara Francesca Bye and grandson Julian Martine Tvedt in Kennebunk, York county Maine about 1900


  1. Great vintage photo with a contemporary feel! Do you know if the building in the background is still standing? We get up that way every year. I'd love to look for it...

  2. Good question, Cynthia! Every time I have looked at this photo I admire that building and comment on it if anyone is in the room with me at the time. But I am embarrassed to say that I never thought to try to find out if it is still standing. I've even taken webinars on Google Earth and didn't think to look for that house! I will do a little sleuthing and see if I can find it and let you know. Thanks for asking!
